The UKs leading orthopaedic surgery centre

Refer your patient directly to SWLEOC via the electronic referral system (e-RS). We accept patients from all over the UK and internationally both via the NHS and privately. Alternatively, refer your patient to an orthopaedic consultant at your local hospital we are linked with Epsom, St Helier, Croydon, Kingston and St. George’s.

Becoming an NHS patient at SWLEOC is a simple process, your GP can refer you directly or you can be seen privately. If you are suffering from painful joints or have concerns about decreased mobility, then it’s time to talk to someone who can help you. Click here for NHS patients and click here for private patients.
About us
Performing around 6,300 procedures a year, of which approximately 4,300 of these are joint replacements, SWLEOC is recognised as the largest joint replacement centre in the UK and one of the largest in Europe.
Here at SWLEOC you will receive world class care with the latest techniques and technologies to help reduce pain and get you back to normal in the shortest time and safest way possible.

SWLEOC was rated Outstanding by the Care Quality Commissions (CQC) when they inspected our hospital in November 2015.
Waiting times - Due to the backlog caused by Covid-19, waiting times cannot be determined at this stage. Please be assured that we will be in touch as soon as possible to schedule your surgery.
Croydon University Hospital

Kingston University Hospital

Epsom & St Helier

St George's Hospital


Markers of our success
Latest News
Winners at the NOA Awards
We are absolutely delighted to share with you that we have won three awards at National Orthopaedic Alliance award for Excellence in Orthopaedics. The GIRFT and SWLEOC toolkit guides NHS colleagues through the detailed processes of setting up and running an effective surgical hub, supporting a key NHS priority to tackle waiting times and ensure patients have timely access to the surgery they need. The extensive resource – developed in a collaboration between Getting Right First Time (GIRFT) and the South West London Elective Orthopaedic Centre (SWLEOC) won the top awards for Partnership and Integration Initiative and Innovation in Orthopaedics.
Representatives of the spine pain referral MDT project collecting the award
Pictured (left to right): Ann Hoey, Programme Director Nation Orthopaedic Alliance (NOA), Boudine Pearce, Professional lead for Elective Orthopaedics and musculoskeletal services SWLEOC, Mr Chris Hulme, Consultant Spinal Surgeon SWLEOC & Lucy Jones Orthopaedics & MSK Project Manager SWLEOC