Mr Christian Kinmont
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon – Specialising in Knee Surgery
NHS Base – Croydon University Hospital
Mr. Christian Kinmont is a consultant orthopaedic and trauma surgeon based at Croydon University Hospital. His entire elective practice is devoted to knee surgery, his joint replacement surgery being performed at the Elective Orthopaedic Centre, Epsom.
He qualified from St. George’s Hospital Medical School, London in 1989. His specialist orthopaedic surgical training was in the South West Thames region. Further posts as a clinical research fellow at St. Mary’s Hospital, Paddington and subsequently at La Trobe University, Melbourne, enabled him to develop a specialist interest in knee and sports surgery. He was appointed to the Orthopaedic Department of Croydon University Hospital in 2004.
In addition to his interest in arthroscopic knee surgery and osteotomies, his main joint replacement interests include surgery in the younger adult, partial knee replacement and knee replacements in patients with a high body mass index (BMI). With the EOC team, Mr. Kinmont endeavors to provide the optimal surgical and rehabilitation patient experience for the Croydon population that he serves.

Denbies Wing
Epsom General Hospital
KT18 7EG
T: For Admissions call: 078 1852 0877