Mr Christopher Hulme
BSc, MBBS, AO, FRCS (Tr&Orth)
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon – Specialising in Spinal Surgery
NHS Base – Epsom and St Helier Hospital
Mr Christopher Hulme undertook his undergraduate studies at the Kings College Hospital School of Medicine and Dentistry before obtaining his postgraduate surgical training in London, West Midlands (Basic surgical training) and S.W. Thames higher specialist surgical training, finishing with spinal fellowship training in Cardiff and Frenchay Spinal Units and a year in Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney as Visiting Clinical Fellow.
Mr Christopher Hulme , post- fellowship Spinal Consultant posts began with 2 years at the Hartshill Spinal Unit, Stoke-on-Trent, followed by 1 year at Guys and St Thomas hospital,taking up his Consultant post at Epsom and St Helier NHS Trust in 2009.
Mr Hulme’s professional career
His practice involves all aspects of spine surgery except Paediatric deformity.
Areas of particular clinical interest are cervical spine surgery (main focus of Australian Fellowship experience); motion preservation technology. His teaching commitments include supervising the training of Foundation, Core Trainee and Higher Surgical Trainees within the South West Thames Region.
He is a member of the British Orthopaedic Association, The British Association of Spinal Surgeons and The British Medical Association.
Conditions treated
All aspects of spinal problems except (at present) operative treatment of Paediatric deformity.
Procedures performed
The whole range of spinal treatment both operative and non-operative according to strict selection process and informed by a multidisciplinary approach.
Outpatient services
Outpatient clinic on Monday afternoon at St Helier Hospital; Wednesday afternoon and alternate Friday mornings at Epsom General Hospital and Leatherhead Hospital.
Inpatient and day case services
Inpatient and Daycase operations at the Epsom Orthopaedic Centre and Epsom General Hospital.
Undergraduate training:
1986-92: Kings College London
1989: Intercalated BSc. Basic Medical Sciences & Immunology
1992: MBBS University of London
Postgraduate training:
1998 FRCS (Eng)
2004 FRCS (Trauma & Orth)
2004 AO Spinal Fellow, University Hospital, Cardiff, Wales.
2005 Visiting Clinical Spinal Fellow Royal North Shore, Australia.

Denbies Wing
Epsom General Hospital
KT18 7EG
T: For Admissions call: 079 1717 4050 For OUTPATIENTS call: 013 7273 5641